Day 4 – More Than We Can Ask, Think, or Imagine

James River Church

Aug 4, 2024
4 mins | Fasting & Prayer

More Than We Can Ask, Think, or Imagine
Ephesians 3:20

One of the most encouraging and exciting verses found in the New Testament is Ephesians 3:20.

Ephesians 3:20 – “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,…”

Imagination is a powerful thing. I’m sure we can all remember a time when our imaginations ran wild, and it seemed like anything was possible. A recent study said that the average person spends two hours a day lost in thought or imagining. That might not seem like a significant amount of time, but over the course of a year that adds up to just over 30 days.

Now go ahead and tap into your two-hour daily average of imagining and think about how different your life would be if you trusted God beyond what you could even ask or imagine. Think about it. What would your life look like if you fully trusted God without any hesitation, non-stop, around the clock for the entirety of a month?

This is what Paul is encouraging the church in Ephesus with, and the same truth challenges us today.

God wants you to tell Him your hearts desires, to trust Him with your greatest dreams, to pray the most audacious prayers, and still expect Him to do more. He is the God of more, the God of abundance, the God of increase, the God of greater. He is able to do more than can be measured. He defies our limitations of understanding, exceeding what can be quantified or qualified. That’s who our God is. That is the God we pray to.

That means the most incredible scenario you could dream up in your mind, He’s able to do more. When you are in a situation that you can’t imagine seeing a way out of, He’s able to do more. When you don’t even know how to ask the right question, He is able to do more. When you have exhausted all resources and energy trying to create a better outcome, He is able to do more. Our God is able to do even greater than what is coming to your mind at this very moment. He is the God of greater things.

The question to ask isn’t if He can do greater things. The question is do you believe He is able to do more than any of us could ever ask or imagine?
We serve an unlimited God, so let’s believe, pray, and live like that today.

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