Walking in God’s Will

Justin Jahanshir

Nov 4, 2016
6 mins | Christian Living

The average adult makes 35,000 decisions a day. From the moment your alarm sounds, your decision-making begins. Will I hit snooze, or will I get out of bed? What outfit will I wear? What will I eat? Do I have time to brush my teeth? (You bet you do!) And of great importance, how much coffee will I consume?

With so many decisions to make, it can be hard to know where to spend your time, which begs the question, “what decisions are the most important?”

In Paul’s New Testament letter to the Thessalonians he writes, “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

In saying this, Paul goes beyond merely suggesting we practice these disciplines and calls us to live this way. So, if we are going to walk in the will of God, we must make the choice to do the following:

God’s Will For US

1. Always be joyful.

This is a staggering command, especially coming from the Apostle Paul, who experienced incredible hardship and loss. This is a man who endured difficulties most of us can’t imagine, and yet still he has the audacity to say that joy is always possible.

Paul understood that our joy is not dictated by our circumstance. Difficulties are inevitable, and our response reveals where our faith resides. In fact, challenges are opportunities in disguise for us to demonstrate where our joy is rooted.

Challenges are opportunities in disguise for us to demonstrate where our joy is rooted.

Always being joyful means that no matter what happens to me externally, I have an inward confidence that God is faithful, and he is working in and beyond the physical realities of my life.

Paul understood that experiencing supernatural joy requires supernatural empowerment. Real joy comes from God. Jesus says in John 15:11, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

And just a few verses earlier Jesus defines “these things” by saying “if you remain in me and my words remain in you…”

Pastor John Lindell says, “Joy is found in God’s presence. If you lack joy, you need to be in the presence of God.” There is a direct correlation between being with God and our experience of joy.

Over-the-top joy comes when we abide in Christ; meaning we spend time in His presence and His Word. As you are with the Lord, watch your joy increase!

2. Pray Continually

Overflowing joy results from a life committed to prayer.

When we choose to pray continually, we are realigning our thinking and our priorities with the will of God for our day. It’s true – God’s will for your life includes today! He cares how you spend your time and your energy. God’s power and his joy comes into our lives when we intentionally and willingly put him first.

I love how the Psalmist writes that God delights in every detail of our lives – he wants to be involved in everything! So whether you’re headed into a meeting or shuttling your kids to their next activity – pray for the Lord’s presence to precede your every moment.

Many times God’s power is displayed through what we might consider an interruption.

Additionally, pray for divine interruptions throughout your day. We typically don’t celebrate unforeseen distractions, but divine interruptions can result in God’s power moving in people’s lives. One recent Thursday morning a woman came stumbling into the West Campus. She was one of nine women living with a man who not only abused her but left her suddenly with no place to live.

I had plenty on my calendar that day, but God had other plans. My assistant and I spent most of the day attempting to find a place that could meet this woman’s desperate needs including a place to live. Thankfully an opportunity for her to join a women’s recovery house came through with only one slot left to fill. That day changed the course of this woman’s life forever as she has rededicated her life to the Lord and is on the road to recovery!

Many times God’s power is displayed through what we might consider an interruption. As you pray continually and expect divine interruptions, God will not only honor your requests, but you’ll find your days overflowing with God’s presence and his joy!

3. Be Thankful in All Circumstances.

A thankful heart despite difficulties, unexplainable circumstances, or life-altering health diagnosis, demonstrates the foundation of our hope.

Choosing to respond with gratitude in seasons of abundance and seasons of lack, leads to God’s grace being poured into our lives in incredible ways.

I love how Pastor John Lindell recently articulated what a thankful heart produces:

“Humility and gratitude are the soil in which all other graces grow.”

Choosing to respond with gratitude in seasons of abundance and seasons of lack, leads to God’s grace being poured into our lives in incredible ways.

So among the 35,000 decisions you’ll make today, make it your priority to be joyful, don’t neglect prayer, and be thankful no matter what happens – for this is the will of God for your life!

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