Day 3 – Hunger and Thirst
Aug 3, 2024
7 mins | Fasting & Prayer
Hunger and Thirst
Matthew 5 & 6
Growing up, you probably heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.”
Although I never turned into a Snickers candy bar when I was younger, the premise and intent of this statement from my parents were accurate. What you take in will be reflected by what you become. The things you consume have an altering effect on you. This principle is true in so many areas of life.
And in the same way, this principle is also true: you crave what you consume.
Cravings exist because of a constant or continual satisfaction found in what is consumed.
At various points in this fast, you most likely will experience some sort of physical craving.
But did you ever pause to think that you only crave the things that your body is already accustomed to consuming?
To be honest, I never struggle with cravings for spinach and cabbage on a 21 Day Fast.
French fries? You bet.
Pizza? Absolutely.
Kale? Not so much.
Why? Because you only crave what you’ve previously consumed.
Now that I have your stomach growling, let me encourage you with some spiritual nourishment.
There are so many benefits to a season of fasting and prayer. Fasting helps us reset our discipline with what we consume…a detox of sorts.
It’s a detox to our physical bodies from all that we typically feed ourselves, and even more important is the detox to our spiritual lives.
But one of the powerful things you need to also understand about fasting is that you are not only detoxing, but you are also developing an appetite for things that are even better.
Fasting cultivates a greater craving for the Kingdom, a greater longing and desire to draw closer to the Lord and linger in His presence.
And here is the great thing about developing a holy hunger – Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”[KU4]
As you spend time in the presence of the Lord, fasting and praying, you are going to be blessed and nourished. Your stomach may feel empty at times, but your spirit isn’t. There is a spiritual feeding and fueling that is taking place, and with that comes a filling and satisfaction for your soul. And Jesus promises in the very next chapter that whenever you begin to develop Kingdom cravings, the Lord will take care of the rest.
Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
This means that the daily focus and needs of our lives will be provided as we pursue God’s priorities, when we make His matters the only thing on our menu. The serious needs that are on your prayer list are taken care of when the things on God’s list are taken seriously.
So be encouraged today to keep developing a spiritual appetite and craving for more of God, knowing that the Lord will provide as you hunger and thirst after the things of His kingdom.