James River Church - Prayer Meeting

A Praying Church

As a church, one of our core values is connecting with God through prayer and worship. It’s for this reason that the Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting is the most important service of the week! As a family of believers, we gather together to lift up needs in the church and around the world, believing God is going to move in mighty ways. Join us as we pray with faith that the Lord will help us in every area of our lives!

Spend Time in God’s Presence

Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings give us the incredible opportunity to come together as a church family and spend time in God’s presence. Every Wednesday night, we gather together for a time of prayer, worship, and to hear a powerful devotional message that strengthens our faith. Invite a friend and come early to grab a seat and pray before service begins. We can’t wait to see you!

Wednesday Night Devotional

Prayer Meeting messages are always filled with truth from the Word of God. Bring a notebook and pen and get ready to hear an incredible devotional message that will increase your understanding of the Bible and encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

Prayer Meeting Cross
Join us for Pre-Service Prayer

Come early and prepare your heart at the altar. Join us ten minutes before service for a special time of worship and prayer, where we prepare our hearts to receive from God during the Prayer Meeting!

Prayer Meeting Communion
Take Part in Communion

At James River Church, we take part in communion at every Wednesday Prayer Meeting. We invite all believers of Jesus Christ to partake in communion with us. We believe it is a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation, and a prophecy of His second coming!

Prayer Meeting Communion
Bring the Whole Family!

James River Church invites you to bring the whole family! While you are in the Prayer Meeting, your kids will have a great time in our Kids and Youth programs, designed just for them. We also provide safe and dependable childcare for children in preschool or younger!

The History of the Prayer Meeting

Learn about the history of the prayer meeting from our very own lead pastors, John and Debbie Lindell.

Visit Us on Wednesday Night!

We’d love to welcome you to our next Prayer Meeting!