Supernatural Faith

Supernatural Faith


Supernatural Faith

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Aug 16, 2020

In this message, Pastor Brandon Lindell gives us a powerful word on supernatural faith and how God desires to work in our lives. Join us as we take a look at Luke 17:5-10 in the final message in our series, “Mountain Moving Faith.”

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How Mountains Move

How Mountains Move


How Mountains Move

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Aug 9, 2020

Join us for an encouraging message from Pastor David Lindell titled, “How Mountains Move.” Our prayer is that this sermon would teach you what it means to have mountain-moving faith, and encourage you to allow God to work in and through your life!

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Mountains Will Move!

Mountains Will Move!


Mountains Will Move!

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Aug 3, 2020

Anytime we fast, God works in powerful ways. In this series, we hear encouraging and powerful teaching about how God works in the lives of people in response to fasting and prayer. It is our prayer that this series would strengthen you in your walk with Christ, and encourage you to turn toward Him in every situation!

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Faith & Fasting

Faith & Fasting


Faith & Fasting

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Aug 2, 2020

Join us for a powerful sermon by Pastor John Lindell titled, “Faith & Fasting.” Our prayer is that this sermon would deepen your understanding of how faith coupled with fasting can move mountains in your life!

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