Day 11 – Pour Your Spirit Out

James River Church

Aug 11, 2024
9 mins | Fasting & Prayer

Pour Your Spirit Out
Joel 2:28-29

In this time of prayer and fasting, one of the things we are seeking and believing for is that God will bring revival to our lives, to our cities, to our country, and throughout the world. We desire to see salvation flood the streets as families and communities are completely transformed.  And for this to happen, we not only need to desire and pray for revival, but we also need the Spirit of God to be poured out on us.

The book of Joel tells us that some of the signs of the Spirit of God being poured out on us will be dreams, visions, and words from God for people.

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit.” Joel 2:28-29

These verses promise that no one has to be excluded from this when it happens.

It doesn’t matter your age, your gender, your demographic, your spiritual upbringing, or education – everyone is a candidate for God to pour His Spirit out.

YOU are a candidate for God to pour His Spirit out!

As you fast, part of your prayer should be asking God to pour out His Spirit on you, that He would speak to you and use you. And through the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting, you are denying yourself and your desires in order to hear God more clearly. You can know that God is going to speak to you as you continue to speak to Him through this fast. Whether it is through a dream or a vision, or giving you a word for someone, God will speak.

It is up to us to be obedient to what God is telling us. And when we are obedient, when we step out in faith and speak up with boldness, we get to play a vital role in the revival that is coming.

Be encouraged by the fact that God is true to His word – if we pray, He will pour out His spirit.

Are you ready?

Ready to see it?

Ready to receive it?

Ready to be used by God?

Ready for revival?

God is hearing our prayers and has promised to pour out His Spirit.

We will see revival! We will be a part of it!

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