Day 18 – Send Me!

James River Church

Aug 18, 2024
4 mins | Fasting & Prayer

Send Me!
Isaiah 6:8

In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, the prophet records a powerful vision where he sees angels surrounding the Lord on His throne continually crying out, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.”

Isaiah sees the Lord in all of His glory and holiness and immediately recognizes the disparity between God’s holiness and the sinfulness of he and his people. An angel responds by placing a live coal on Isaiah’s mouth, atoning for his sin and purifying him. With his sin forgiven, Isaiah then writes, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? “And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ He said, ‘Go and tell this people…’” 

God asks Isaiah a question that He asks His people today, “Who will go for us?” Who will go and tell people about the forgiveness God offers? Who will go and tell people there is freedom in Jesus? Who will go and tell people that there is a God who loves them and wants to transform their lives?

Isaiah passionately responds, “Send me!” Through this time of prayer and fasting, God is doing a deeper work in us. But the truth is what God does in us through this fast is not meant to stay with us; He wants us to go!

God is empowering us and increasing our boldness to share His love and power with others so we can witness even greater things in the days ahead. The Lord is sending you to the people in your family, your workplace, your neighborhood, and on your kids’ sports teams. Will you go?

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