Day 21 – Greater things are coming!

James River Church

Aug 21, 2024
8 mins | Fasting & Prayer

Greater things are coming!
Joshua 3:14-17

Joshua 3 records one of the great miracles in the Old Testament as God’s people prepare to enter the promised land. Due to the unbelief 40 years prior, the Israelites failed to enter the land, but now Joshua, who had believed God would deliver them the first time, would be the one to lead them into the promised land four decades later. God is about to do a miracle for this generation of Israelites, but it’s a miracle that accomplished something even greater than they anticipated.

Joshua 3:15-16 says, “But as soon as the feet of the priests who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the river’s edge, the water above that point began backing up a great distance away at a town called Adam…” Instead of the water splitting into two sides as it did for Moses at the Red Sea, Scriptures say the water began backing up “a great distance away,” which commentators believe was several miles upstream at the town of Adam.

The people watched the priests and the ark of the covenant step into the water like God had instructed, but nothing seemed to change. If we allow our expectations of how God is going to do a miracle overshadow our faith, it will ultimately lead to disappointment and we’ll struggle to believe God at all.

But God had something greater in mind than just a sea crossing. Biblical scholars write that many nations Israel would need to conquer lived near the Jordan River and would see this miracle themselves since the water was stopped upstream. God was demonstrating His supreme power to the nations so they would know there is a God in heaven who is all-powerful and in whom nothing is too difficult!

The Israelites would cross on dry ground and a testimony of God’s power would be seen by the nations living in that area. God wants to do something even greater through every battle we face and every miracle we are believing for. Whatever you’ve been praying and fasting for, believe that God will exceed your expectations and do even more than you could ask, think, or imagine.

Greater things are coming!

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