21 Days of Fasting & Prayer Devotional – Day 9: The Answer is on the Way!
Aug 9, 2023
3 mins | Fasting & Prayer
The prophet Daniel has been fasting and praying for twenty-one days on behalf of the people of Jerusalem. On the twenty-fourth day, Daniel has a vision of a man delivering a message from heaven. Daniel 10:12 says, “Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words.”
Scripture says from the first day Daniel started praying, heaven heard and began responding. Daniel didn’t see anything until day 24, but Scripture assures us things were changing on day one. Whether or not you’ve seen any change, you can be sure that things began changing the first day you set your heart towards seeking God!
Verse 13 says, “But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels, came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia.”
This text shows us that there are spiritual battles taking place as we pray and fast. Our prayers are powerful and defeat the plans and powers of the enemy in our lives and situations we are facing.
Then in verse 19, the man declares, “Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be Strong!” Daniel is reminded and encouraged how precious he is to God, and that same truth applies to you today. You are a son or daughter of the living God. He cares for you and is fighting for you as you call on His name.
Daniel then receives insight into the future and what is to come. God answered his prayers. We can have confidence that battles are being fought and won through this fast, and we will see God work in and through every circumstance we face; we will receive the wisdom we need to make decisions and will see an even greater demonstration of God’s power in our lives and in our church in the days to come.
Daniel 10:3 (NIV)
“I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.”
Daniel 10:12 (NIV)
“Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.”
Daniel 10:19 (NIV)
“Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.” When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.”