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Category: Culture


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Counteracting A Disconnected Culture

It is critical for us to recognize the importance of living in community and relationship with others. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” As you develop new friendships and build on existing ones, you counter the new norm and bridge the gap of disconnectedness in our culture. You never know who God has waiting in your path to encourage you or be encouraged by you.

Developing an Eye for Opportunity

Everyone is faced with opportunities in life. The question is how does a person develop an eye for opportunity and how should a Christian know what opportunities to pursue? Developing an eye for opportunity is one of the keys for growth in any business, church or even an individual’s desire for increased position and influence. Read what the Bible teaches about understanding which opportunities to pursue and how to make the most of them.

Do You Have Convictions?

Convictions are not just mere opinions, but they are firm beliefs that define who we are. They help determine parameters that in turn charts a course for our lives. When it comes to convictions, the old saying is true – if you don’t stand for anything, then you will fall for everything. Therefore, it is critical that we give careful attention to what is truly important to us and solidify our non-negotiable values.

7 Characteristics of A Good Friend – Do You Have Them?

Life-giving friendships are essential for our health as human beings and can strengthen us in the most difficult of times. But how do we find good friends and how do we keep them? Certainly, there are dozens of characteristics of a good friend, but rather than simply searching for these traits in a person, one of the best ways to find good friends is to be a good friend. Check out these 7 characteristics of a good friend and learn how we can cultivate meaningful,  lasting friendships.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Half of Americans will make a New Year’s resolution this year, but only about 8% will keep them. Not only will the majority of resolutions fall by the wayside, but nearly half of the resolutions made will be dumped before February 1. So, it’s very understandable for someone to wonder if making resolutions is even worth it. What’s the point in having a New Year’s resolution if it is going to fail? Perhaps the better question is, how we do make our resolutions stick?


6 Ways to Build the Church Online

Around 40% of the world’s population has an internet connection today. Whether researching cars, schools, what to wear or yes, even churches – people look online for guidance. We live in an age where our voice, for good or bad, makes a difference. We often hear of stories, where someone saw a friend talking about the church or an event at the church and decided to come and, “check it out.” Your voice can reach hundreds, if not thousands of people through what you talk about online. When we talk about what God is doing, people take notice; they get excited, and they start to view the church as God’s tool to build His kingdom, a place that is close to his heart, and something they want to be a part of.

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3 Things To Make Social Media A Safer World For Your Family

When it comes to the internet age we live in, social media has become a major part of the lives of students. I want to encourage parents with a few things in regards to how they can help keep their children safe in a digital world.

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